Tuesday, July 20, 2010

150, GO AWAY

I am stuck. It's not the end of the world - I've been stuck before.

I know what I have to do. I'm not mad about it, I just know how hard it is to get busy again and do it.

It'll take work, sweat, pain, time, effort... a little hunger... gah.

Cookies are good. I hate that they're so good. And they're so easy - run to Walmart, and there they are, sitting on the shelf, waiting to be eaten. HATE THAT.

Lots of other things that are good for me, are also good-tasting, but they require work. Even if it's just baby carrots and dip or cut-up cantaloupe. HATE THAT TOO.

Even so, I still watch other runners going down the street, and I love that I now think of them as "other runners" instead of just "runners." I used to be jealous of them. I used to feel despair and hopelessness when I saw them. I think those negative feelings helped propel me to where I am now, but they didn't really do the job until I added, "Well, I could just try it," and did.

And that's the same thing I have to do now.

The completely awesome thing is that I've kept off this much weight for this long. I still WANT to. I'm still inspired. I haven't given up. I've succeeded to this point. I know my weight loss will continue, though it would be easy to say "OK, done" and just be good at 150 instead of getting down to where I want to be (125).

I know I can. I know I will.

I'm excited for tomorrow.


  1. 149.7 this morning! I'm hanging onto it like mad! :)

  2. It's so satisfying and inspiring to see a number you havent seen in awhile.

    My clothes are getting looser, but the numbers aren't dropping. Maybe Im gaining muscle. Is it lame to rather see it in the numbers?

  3. I don't think it's lame. Numbers seem like better proof.

    I remember the first time I went clothes shopping after dropping enough weight to make a difference, though... I'd been gaining muscle weight, so my numbers didn't look great. But when I saw the size I was fitting into and checked myself out in the mirror, that was good proof too. :)
