Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pear's not-so-triumphant return

So I took a month off...from everything: healthy eating, portion control, excerize...proper hygiene.

But, I'm back. Which is half the battle. I'm pretty disappointed in myself. I have some important events coming up and it would have been nice to be in prime condition. With only 4 days left until one of the events, short of cutting off an arm (which would slow down how quickly I can stuff my face), I'm not going to be down the 5 -10 I gained over my month long sabbatical.

Last night on Twitter I came across this daring, darling duo of twin sisters/fitness pros/writers/comedians. Here's a sample:

"Perky, not saggy: Push-ups or push-up bra?"



  1. You can do it! The important thing is to not give up. Everyone has moments when they slide downhill when trying to climb up, but at least you are still trying to reach your goal, and not just be content with sitting at the bottom of the hill.

  2. I agree with Kumquat! I think the key is to keep trying. I think for many people, and especially me, this is a lifelong battle. You could choose to give up. But you're here and kudos to you for that! :)

  3. We are not sure how you found us, but we are appreciative and grateful for your kind comments! And please don't beat yourself up about last month. Why don't you instead commend yourself for doing your event? And coming back? And "prime condition" is a term we all use to describe something we might have been back in our teens - impossible to achieve and easy to use as a comparison that will only lead to falling short. And please let us know how your event went as it's now the 11th so it must have occurred. Of course, the hygiene thing....a month off? Really? Now that part is a bit scary!

  4. Kymberly and Alexandra: I found you through Twitter, where I tweet under my real name. I have an alias here because I am really private about my weightloss and exercize regimen.

    I feel like if I talk about watching my weight openly, everyone will watch it with me and notice every ounce lost and gained. But I still feel like I could benefit from the support of others who are going thru the same thing, thus I keep a fitness blog with an alias.

    Thanks for the encouragement. I love your blog. You twinners are funny with a capital "F!"

  5. Well, thank you for the support and kind words. That would definitely feel odd to have other people watching the scale with you. Although......many people on Twitter love that. But I agree with you. I'd rather have people watch my catwoman glasses!
    As to the capital "F" - We think it's' this way - Alexandra is Fit; Kymberly is Pffffffttttt. I'll let you figure out which one of us wrote these comments! See ya on TwitLand.
    Can I ask how your event went? And did you ever shower?

  6. My event went very well. I got a lot of great feedback. I measure success on a much lower scale than others, although. If I don't humiliate my mother or vomit on myself, I say it was an enormous success!

    Regular bathing has resumed and tonight for the first time in over a month, I got back on the treadmill and sweat.

    Thanks for asking!
