Sunday, August 1, 2010

Well, it's Aug 1st

Did I reach my goal? (Drum roll) No.

I'm not mad at myself. My clothes are fitting well. That's a good thing. I've only lost like two pounds. I gained and lost the same 3 over and over. If I would have lost the 10 that I intended I don't think anything I have now would fit and I can't afford to buy new clothes right now, so I guess I did myself a favor.

I'm having company come. Company means lots of food. I'm gonna try not to go overboard.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to have a goal. If you hadn't had one, it would have been easier to not try at all, and possibly just gain more.

    I'm stuck again, but I've been out to exercise twice already this week.
