Saturday, July 24, 2010

Okay, Skinny Lady, you can shut up at any time

This is exactly why I blog about weightloss under an assumed name. Because once you start talking about excercise or calories or diets you've got some know-it-all-marathoner telling you how you are doing it all wrong.

So, I take some cheesecake cupcakes to a party tonight and as everyone is ooohhh-ing and aaaahhh-ing and grabbing them with both hands, I mention that they are 180 calories each. That's when the skinny lady from across the room says,

"Oh, you count calories (like it's a bad thing)? I don't count calories I just go out and run 10 miles."

(Yes, dear, we know.)

So I tell her, that I don't like excercise a minute longer than I have to so I keep track of what I eat during the day.

That's when she begins to tell me about how she just loves to run and run and how she training for a 26 mile marathon and her friend from Utah is coming to run with her.

Great, that's just great. For you, dear, not me.

It was against my better judgement to mention the calories of the cupcakes. Once you start talking about watching your weight with people, suddenly everyone is watching your weight with you.

I'm not gonna make that mistake again.


  1. How interesting... I had this exact same instance happen to me the last time I was with you.

    Wouldn't it be funny if it were the same lady? :)

  2. A-friggen-men! I just don't get how some people don't get that there is more than one way to accomplish something! If someone is doing what works for them, leave them alone! O.k. I'm done venting now! =)
